Arina Menukhova
Actress, singer, director, performer
made In 1998
Art Biography

Musical theater (Musical theater actress)
full-time education
The Mikhail Shchepkin Higher Theatre School (Institute) of the State Academic Maly Theatre of Russia
Acting (Actress of drama theater and cinema)
full-time education
N.V. Demidov International Theater Summer School Union of Theatrical Figures of the
Russian Federation

Work experience
Actress :
Theatre.doc "Messenger"
Ermolova Theatre
"Portrait of Dorian Gray"
"The Party of Burnt Youth"
"The Orchestra"
The SPACE INSIDE "Santiago"
The Meyerhold’s Center "The PROMISE"
The Space Nol’project “Stainless steel”

Trickster Theatre «Making a cartoon”-

5 roles in the play

The series "Kulaginy-2" TV channel Russia-1
the main role
The series “Gadalka” - the main role
Short meter "According to the conditions” - the main role
The film "7 minutes" - supporting role

“The Song of the Sea” - director, playwright

Author of the idea, dramatization, director, actress of "Raga Saturn"

Author of the idea, actress of the musical "The Prophet"

Creator of music project ALMITRA
Creator of project “The Voice of Power”
Author of the idea for the VR Musical “The Prophet”

 phone number +79168811395


Russian- native

English - B2

Professional vocal

(pop, musical, academic, folk, Indian, oriental)

Classical and modern dance

Fencing and stage combat

Swimming, Yoga, Qigong, Mindfulness practices

Mountain guide (hiking)

Who is Almitra ?

this is my own creative project, which combines the creation of performances, shows, music and video content on the topic of awareness, love of nature, the possibilities of the human race and the spiritual path

my way
I have extensive experience working on stage in the best Moscow theaters and music venues. I received a 6-year education, 2 years of which I studied at the Milhail Shchepkin theatre university with a degree in drama theater and cinema, 4 years with a degree in musical actress at the best theater university in Russia - GITIS (Moscow) .
I have worked in several productions at the theater Ermolova (played dramatic roles and sang), played one of the main roles at the Meyerhold Center. I invented vocal parts for dramatic performances and won first places at Russian vocal festivals. I also staged a children's musical performance as a director and teach them acting.
A couple of months ago, I founded my music project ALMITRA, in which I am the ideological inspirer, singer and author of melodies for songs. As part of this project, we started creating a musical show “The Prophet” based on the book of the same name by Kahlil Gibran.
“Trust the dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity”
K. Gibran.

My inner truth

A big part of my life is mindfulness, qigong, meditation and sound yoga. I am a vegetarian and do not use animal products. I support conscious consumption and recycling. With all my might I want to support the use of alternative energy and conservation of our planet's resources. I believe that love is the driving force of humanity and one day we will all live in peace and harmony

Contact me:
Planet Earth

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